
четверг, 22 августа 2013 г.

A town contest of essays

Dear future school leavers,

the town contest is announced in September.

The beginning of a school year is a great challenge, especially for those who are going to finish school and who are faced with lots of problems including the choice of future occupation and profession.

You have a wonderful opportunity to share your thoughts and ideas in writing an essay: Whom do I see myself after finishing school?”

Deadline is –  Sept,25,2013

Go ahead! And…

Good luck!

4 комментария:

  1. G'day English Club teacher and students,

    Thanks for registering for the September 2013 blogging challenge. Make sure you visit the blog every week starting 8th September, when the first challenge is published.

    If you want a reminder sent to your email each week, use the "Subscribe by email" on the right sidebar of the challenge blog.

    Also make sure you visit blogs from other classes around the world with similar ages - see list in blog header.

    Feel free to add the 2013 badge to your blog.

    Miss W or tasteach - challenge organizer

  2. Thank you very much for help. We are just now only the beginners/

    Liudmila Alexandrovna,
    Teacher of English.

  3. Nice to see you here Tolya!
    Congratulations! You are the first in this blog.
    What do you think about new school year? Is there anything which is interesting and new for you?
