
пятница, 6 сентября 2013 г.

Student Blogging

10 комментариев:

  1. It was very interesting to listening about how childrens speak about advantages and disadvantages of blog.

  2. You can also listening about how to speak english true. You can see how they speak qwikly.

  3. It is very interesting video
    It teach us to speak English more quicly

  4. it very intrestin video and We can learn the advantages and disadvantages of a blog

  5. Yes, I agree. Students opinion is interesting. All of you got useful information but there are some mistakes:
    Vadim-you can listen;to listen;
    Anton-it teaches us,quickly;
    Artem-it is.

  6. Наконец-то у нас получилось, Слава Богу. "папа" Но всю оценку конечно же Олеси. Она мне все подсказывала, как что делать.

  7. Zhytomyr city is rich in parks and public squares. Zhytomyr is set out on a mostly radial type of street net with the centre at the main public square of the city, named Sobornyi Maidan (or Sobornyi Square, which means Cathedral Square). The best-known street in the central part of Zhytomyr is Mykhailivska (named after St. Michael's Church located at the northern end of the street). Mykhailivska Street is for pedestrian traffic: vehicles are forbidden. The best-known park of Zhytomyr is named after Yuri Gagarin, located in the south of the city, at the left (northern) bank of the Teteriv river. It was formerly owned by the Baron de Chaudoir.
    In the city many famous figures of science and culture lived and worked : Chaim Nachman Bialik, Vladimir Korolenko, Academician S.P. Korolev, V.M. Artsikhovsky- botanist, J.B. Gamarnik and J. Kolyada, historians - Kruglyak B.A. and A.A. Skalkovsky, orientalist- T.A. Shumovskii, artist- D.P. Shterenberg, mathematician- Igor Shafarevich, the pianist - Sviatoslav Richter and others. There are History Museum, Art Gallery, Museum of Natural History, Korolenko Literary and Memorial Museum and Memorial House-Museum of Academician Sergei Korolev, the Literary Museum and the only Ukrainian museum of astronautics history. In the city there are monuments and plaques to Taras Shevchenko, Alexander Dovzhenko, Boris Ten, Vladimir Korolenko, Sergei Korolev, Viktor Kosenko, Oleg Olzhych, Michael Kotsubinskiy, Alexandr Kuprin , Alexandr Pushkin, Jaroslaw Dombrowski and many other famous writers and public figures.

    1. History of Zhytomyr
      Zhytomyr is situated in the north of Ukraine on the Teterev river. Its total area is 6100 hectars. The city is divided into two districts, and its population is 292 000. Zhytomyr was founded, according to the local legend, in the 9th century. It is first mentioned in the chronicles under the year of 1240, when it was destroyed by the Mongols. It became a town in 1444. The chief architectural monuments are the Jesuit monastery, a Roman Catholic church (1744), the Assumption Church (1752), the Transfiguration Cathedral (1866—1874), the city hall. There are a lot of museums in the city, which are worth visiting. They are: a regional studies museum, lite- rary memorial museums, dedicated to M. Kotsiubynsky and V. Korolenko, and a memorial museum devoted to S. Koroliov.
