
вторник, 22 марта 2016 г.

The most realistic female android ever!

7 комментариев:

  1. In the begining I think that it`s a human but after I understand that she is robot. She is ultra-realistic humanlike robot. I saw that she can express feeling and be a human. I think that in the future they will live with us, work and be friends.

  2. It's great! People have a highly scientific progress but we should remember that robot have the ability to improve. So,thay may be want to destroy humanity! It's not very nice.

  3. It's great! People have a highly scientific progress but we should remember that robot have the ability to improve. So,thay may be want to destroy humanity! It's not very nice.

  4. Olesya,
    Don't be afraid. Learn English, everything will be OK

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