
вторник, 9 июля 2013 г.

Let's learn English: Project "Summer time"

Let's learn English: Project "Summer time"

Dear freinds,

write about your summer holidays, share your  impressions, publish interesting stories, download funny pictures, etc.

Learn about Zhytomir. What can you add?

Zhitomir photographs

25 комментариев:

  1. Dear students,
    you have seen the amazing film about summer in Iceland.
    Is it the same as in your country?
    What is familiar and what is different?

  2. I want to tell you about my favourite season. My favourite season is summer and i am sure a lot of people share this opinion with me. Summer is the most suitable season for holidays. As for me, i am never tired of its long sunny days, warm rains with thunderstorms and the buzz of mosquitoes. I like summer holidays because i have a lot of free time. I don't have to get up early. There is no homework to do and lessons to learn. Every summer i go to the Black Sea. I like to lie in the sun getting as brown, paddle in the water orget splashed by the waves. Sometimes i spend my holidays in the country. Most of my time i spend in the woods gathering strawberries and mushrooms. I like to walk in the rain. I enjoy to go to the beach in the morning when it is not too hot. Summer holidays are never too long for me. When summer is over, i always feel sorry, because it was too short and was to quick to pass.

    1. Kiril, your essay is excellent. But it seems to me that you were not alone during summer time.

  3. Summer is the best period for holidays, so many people schedule their holidays for this season. Schools are also closed during summer months till September. Many schoolchildren say that it’s their favourite season of the year. I also enjoy summer holidays. We usually go to the Mediterranean Sea coast. My parents choose the city, book the hotel, buy the tickets and off we go. Sometimes we choose to go to Kemer, sometimes to Antalia. It doesn’t matter which city we visit, because sea and sun are the same everywhere and I like swimming and sunbathing very much. There are many picturesque cities and places to visit. Last year we went to Antalia. It wasn’t only a swimming and relaxing holiday. We also went on many excursions. I can say that Antalia is one of the most fascinating places I’ve ever been to.

    1. I wonder: What is your real name?
      Anyway the story is interesting and tells us much about places we can also visit in summer.

  4. It offers great opportunities for tourists. The climate is mild, the scenery is nice and there are many interesting historic monuments. The sea was also great. We really enjoyed our stay in Antalia. There is a good chance that we’ll visit it again next year. Another perfect idea for summer holidays is going to countryside, away from the city noise. My grandmother live there and she is always happy to see me.

  5. Summer is my favorite time of the year. In the summer I have the opportunity to visit many countries. It's interesting. I love to learn new things. In the summer we have a rest from school. You can wake up and realize that no need to hurry. In the summer I like to go to the camps. It is still communicating with the children of the age of this as I am. This summer I went to camp, "ABC Camp." this camp in which speak only English. There were a lot of American and British people. I love summer!

    1. Valya,
      did you really go to "ABC Camp"?
      Oh, it's great.Hope you learnt lots of interesting things there.
      Could you prepare the report for the class and share?

  6. Summer is a beautiful season with the long sunny days and short warm nights. The weather is mostly fine and the clear blue sky is above our heads. The trees are green and fresh grass grows everywhere. А great variety of brightly colored odorous summer flowers all around feasts our eyes.

    Summer is the time when cherries and apricots are getting ripe. Also we can pick up strawberries, blackberries and many fruits and vegetables. In summer the air is filled with the ringing voices of birds and the buzz of insects.

    For the pupils summer means three months long holidays! I’m never upset if I don’t go anywhere on my summer holidays because when I have enough free time I always do something interesting. I read books, watch films, listen to music or go for a walk. I love summertime very much because it’s warm and comfortable outside. There’s no need to stay at home or to put on lots of clothes. We can spend time outdoors, walk and play, lie in the sun and swim in the sea or in the river.

    I’m sure everybody likes summertime!


    Unfortunately Summer is over.
    We are back at school.
    We are glad to meet each other,our friends and teachers.
    Everybody had a lot of impressions so we try to tell each other about our holidays.
    I should to say,most of us had a rest abroad or somewhere near the sea,so some of us became as brown as a nut and all of us became taller and more serious.
    As for me,my dad and I went to the Crimea.
    We stayed there for a month.
    We travelled a lot,went sightseeing,played games on the beach,swam in the sea,sunbathed and had a lot of fun.
    We took lots of pictures which would remember us about our happy holidays.
    We are eight formers now.
    So our task is to learn hard.
    It seems to me that we will do our best .
    I know that it is not easy but we are quite grown up now and we have to prepare to real life.
    We should choose what we are going to be in future.
    As for me I have decided to be a musician,that is why I went in for music in summer.

    1. Anton, could you show us your pictures? It's very important that your essay is also about your future plans.
      And your manner of writing is special. Excellent.(should say)

  8. Wow! This essays are really great! But Lera's one is the best!

  9. Glad to see you here, Artyom.
    It's a pity that you were not at school during our meeting with Japanese people. Lots of pictures will be published later.
    They are doing a great thing: they founded Association" For the children of the world" (CheFuKo). It means: Chernobyl, Fukosima.
    And we begin our communication with them.
    Hope you will be healthy soon.

    1. Most people like to leave their places on holidays. Some prefer a quite rest in the country or at their dachas. Others go to the seaside and enjoy swimming and sunbathing on the golden beaches of the South. A lot of people are crazy about travelling and feel great visiting new places, getting more impressions and knowledge about them.
      As for me,I like travelling. In June I spent two weeks in the summer camp on the seaside. It was a real fun. I met a lot of new friends. Every day we enjoyed something special - games, carnivals, competitions, performances. We went to the seaside twice a day. There we swam, bathed in the sun, played volleyball on the beach, made sculptures of sand. We had discos every night, but not too long. I guess, those were the most exciting weeks of the summer. It gave me bright impressions, lots of funny photos and some new friends. In August I stayed in the town reading books and preparing for school. Of all the vacations in my life, this was my best summer vacation ever! I hope next summer will be as exciting as this one!

  10. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  11. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  12. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  13. I love summer so I am very regret that it has ended. It was the most wonderful summer of my life. First of all, I would like to say that in the first month of my summer I went to camp in the ABC camp. This camp in which only children communicate in Russian. I want to thank the leader of our squad for what they have helped to understand the difficulty of the English language. After the camp the whole month of July I was in my home town "Zhitomir". Most of the time I spend playing computer games. So I ruined my precious eyesight. At the end of the summer, I was with my parents in Alupka. There I was in the Vorontsov Palace. This luxurious place where you can make a lot of beautiful pictures or just enjoy the beauty of the palace. Summer 2013 will always remain in my heart.

    1. Valya,
      being in a camp was a wonderful oppotunity to learn English better.
      I am sure you have lots of new friends now.

  14. Summer – my favourite season.

    Some admire generous autumn, others like merry snowy winter, many of us enjoy drippingsnow but I love summer!

    We have the longest holidays in summer! There is no necessity at all to get up early. Neither lessons nor hometasks! You may do what you want: to swim all day long or go to the forest to gather berries! And so it is during three long wonderful months of the best season!

    And what bright colours summer has!

    It is a pleasure to the eyes the wild verdure of trees and grass, the gold of sunrays, the bright- blue sky with the white clouds on it. And have you ever been in the fields in summer? How many colourful flowers you can see there! So, you couldn`t take your eyes off this beauty!

    And bright juicy apricots, plumps, raspberries cry out to be eaten!

    In summer all students have holidays. They go to the sea, rest there and gain strength for a new academic year. This summer I have been to the seaside. I was admired how changeable the sea was! In a minute it could change its colour; from limpid- blue up to dirty - brown. But nevertheless it was fine! I would like to come back here again and again!

    I like summer because I can see very often the rainbow. And the summer itself is the real rainbow of colours!

  15. Vanya, your description os summer time is so poetic and full of feelings. Thank you.
