
вторник, 23 июля 2013 г.

Schools in Britain (2/8 ESL video+worksheets)

18 комментариев:

  1. Let me say some words about the Educational System in Ukraine. More and more people think that Ukraine has got rather developed system of education. As for me, it is very important that General secondary education is free and compulsory. There are many gymnasiums, lycees and private schools in Ukraine. The secondary school must to give each pupil a high level of knowledge. Post-secondary education is provided by technical schools, colleges and institution of higher learning: universities, academies and instituties.
    In addition i want to say that we must be proud of our Educational System. And i am glad to live in such country as Ukraine, where graduates from the institution fo higher learning become famous writers, diplomats, economists and others.
    In conclusion i want to say some words about the British Educational System. All state schools in Britian are free, but i dont like the British Educational System because education is compulsory from 5 till 16 years.
    As for me learning at school are boring during 12 years. I like British independent schools because the Common Entranc Exam ( which pupils of independent schools take at the age of 11) is for entry into the best schools.
    I'd like to become a student of Oxford. But it is only my dream....

  2. I want to tell u about my school. I prefer my school, actually, because probably , I like speak with my friends and sometimes teachers. We don't go to school on Saturdays and it's wonderful, because we have more time to prefer our homework and probably meet friends. Yes, we wear a uniform (sometimes). In our country school uniform is black trousers or skirt, white blouse for girls or white shirt for boys and black jacket. It's hard to say that I like school. In one side I like school and second side I don't like school, but I see my friends every day, excluding Saturday and Sunday and this is awesome. Why I don't like school? Honestly, very often I have bad day's and they can continues 3 days or even week, but i don't show it. (it was my secret). And I think u understand me. Our school starts at 8 o'clock. Every day we have 7 lessons and school finishes at about 3 o'clock. Our school and other schools in our town are mixed too - for boys and girls and the majority of children wear school uniform. My favourite subject is English and Ukrainian literature. Most students in our school study German and English. After school some students do other activities like sport. Football is popular among boys. And some students learn music. I know only Sasha from 8-V class. She is good. I think all schools are good, because there we get starts knowledge and make new friends and we understand "What is life...".

  3. Good, very good! I think that video to reveal possibility improve our Ukrainian school. Good!!! English school good.

  4. I think that British schools are good because they give a chance to study what students want.Frankly speaking,I would like to study at British school because the educational system is interesting and the school schedule is full of different subjects which are not present in Ukraine.

  5. In the school of my dreams all the pupils study English five times a week,German three thimes a week and art.Pupils get a lot of creative homework every day.They are happy to do it.At the weekend pupils can visit different school clubs.During the study-week pupils have two hours break for the lunch
    The school is in the city and surrounded by park. The school has a pool where
    children have their PT lessons
    The school organizes transport to the school,but of course you can get to school by
    your own bycycle and leave it on the park place

  6. Wow,these schools are better,than ours! I think we have a great example of awesome school!

    1. Artyom,
      Our students can dream. The only thing is to make our dreams true.
      Can we change anything in our school?

  7. In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five, but before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.

    In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.

    When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.

    Some parents choose private schools for their children. They are very expensive but considered to provide a better education and good job opportunities.

    In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.

  8. If I had a change I would like to visit this school and study in it.In this school I would study many different languages.For example:Spanish, Espanol, Italian, Polish, French.
    And some new subjects.That is Food Technology, Design Technology, Information Technology.
    If I had a change I would like to go in basketball and football clubs.

  9. In Britain schools have modern an equipment for development pupils:modern computer class, sport facilities(basketball courts, tennis courts, a modern gymnasium and football and hockey fields),modern library,restaurant,car park, bikes, video room, music room, science, drama and many ethers modern an equipment There are development program have an advantage in leans children.
    I think thet is gut school. I like.

    1. Olesya, thanks for your opinion.
      I would like to advise you to improve your writing.It's very important.
      How are you getting on? Today you have not been to school? You are not ill, are you?

  10. I am going to tell you about my school.. It has four floors. The classrooms are light and spacious. There are classrooms for different subjects, such as English, History, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, Biology Literature etc.
    There is a computer class in our school. We study computer science here. The computer class has the most modern equipment and the Internet access.
    We’ve also an assembly hall, which is situated on the second floor. Meetings, conferences, concerts and all the celebrations take place here. We prepare different performances for all holidays. We sing songs, recite poetry, dance, and participate in theatre performances.
    There are many opportunities to go in for sports in our school. Our school has a gym, a sports ground, a football field, a swimming pool, and other sports facilities. There are many different sports groups: table tennis, swimming, athletics, football, volleyball, wrestling, and rhythmic gymnastics. Many pupils of our school attend these sports groups.
    In our school we have also painting group, dance group, theatre group and rock group. All these groups are very popular and many pupils attend them.
    The teachers in our school are very skilled. They try to give us all their knowledge and awake our interest to their subjects and to self study. Besides the school subjects, our teachers tell us about everything, about different problems of our world, such as ecology, nature protection, climat changes etc.
    There is a good tradition in our school. Every year people who graduated our school come here to meet their teachers and classmates. These meetings take place every first Saturday of February.
    I think that school years are very important for every person. It’s a period of becoming adult, achieving knowledges, and choosing your way in life. Often school friends remain your friends for all your life. So I’ll never forget my school, my teachers, and my classmates.

  11. All pupils study Mathematic, Biology and a foreign language. Children in the school are aged from 6 to 17 years old. During eleven classes they study English. In fifth classes they must study German, as well. Pupils get homework every day. The school is in the centre of the city. School has places to play sport. For example gymnasium, football field. There is a library in the school and workshop. You must go to school by bus or by car, on foot.
    Every room at school has three lines of desks and three windows usually at left wall. Every room has blackboard, too. Rooms are full of plants and flowers.
    Computer class has two lines of desks
    and three windows, too. Room has seven computers from the both sides.

  12. Schools in Britain
    Most children start primary school at the age of five.At eleven the go to secondary school.Allchildren stay at secondary school to the age of sixteen.And at sixteen in England they take GCSE examinations.After these examinations about 40% of students leave school.The others usually study three subjects for two or more years and they take "A" levelexams.About 20% of eighteen-year old students go to university.They usually leave homes and go to university in different cities.Another 20% go to other educational colleges.
